6 – 500 Ton Water Cooled Chiller Units
The facility is cooled with an energy efficient, closed loop chiller system that utilizes 6 – 500 ton water cooled chiller units (currently 2N). We rotate the units utilizing two different units each month.
With our 24’ ceilings we cool the first 10’ with a chilled water system and allow the heat to rise, thereby creating a heat reservoir. The heat reservoir is conditioned by rooftop air conditioners and air handling units that cool the air before it is returned through the CRAC units to the raised floor plenum. By doing so the data center design achieves a low carbon footprint that moves it closer to a “Green” design.
72 – Computer Room Air Handlers (CRAH) Units
The Data Center has 59 down flow 30 ton CRAH units to cool our 52, 500 square feet, two raised floor colocation areas. 13 of the CRAH units are for redundancy at full design load.